mother tongues

美 [ˈmʌðər tʌŋz]英 [ˈmʌðə(r) tʌŋz]
  • n.母语;本国语
  • mother tongue的复数
mother tonguesmother tongues

mother tongues


  • 1
    N-COUNT 母语;本国语;本族语
    Your mother tongue is the language that you learn from your parents when you are a baby.

  1. We strongly support education in our own mother tongues .


  2. That special place Indians will always grant only to their mother tongues .


  3. Norway is very respectful of other languages , especially the mother tongues of others .


  4. And even though they 're writing in English , they have the rhythms of their own mother tongues .


  5. The promotion of official language and the preservation of mother tongues in the society with multi-lingual background are contradictory .


  6. In the modern society , it is very common that people learn two or three languages or dialects other than their mother tongues or mother dialects .


  7. One day , Mar í a Medrano came to the workshop with poems written in these women 's mother tongues .


  8. By the same token , Chinese students will also be able to learn the mother tongues of other ethnic groups , such as the Malay language .


  9. By learning their mother tongues , our students gain not just linguistic skills but access to the deep rivers of culture and values that we inherit .


  10. The main reason for this splendid situation is that their schools , apart from teaching their individual mother tongues , also teach a second or a third language .


  11. Teaching mother tongues of ethnic minorities , Chinese , and English ( Japanese or Russian ) in ethnic minority schools is the need of the development of an information society .


  12. Our mother tongues , and the intermingling of our mother cultures , will be a source of vibrancy , and give us distinctiveness .


  13. It covers the mother tongues of14 indigenous mountain tribes and the Pingpu plains ( low-lying areas ) aborigines .


  14. Our mother tongues will allow us to be a global city , reaching out to the world , without losing a sense of confidence and pride in our own identity .


  15. A government decision in the 1970s to introduce Malay as the common language for teaching led Chinese and Indian groups to start their own schools to preserve their mother tongues .


  16. The Swiss are keen to preserve their own mother tongues ; hence the schools in the different language areas use their own mother tongues as the language of instruction .


  17. And Anji County is a typical area of multi-dialectal contacting where a large quantity of dialects spoken by many people as their mother tongues distribute crossly .


  18. But it is not the most beloved , nor the medium of abuse during road rage . That special place Indians will always grant only to their mother tongues .


  19. Those errors are mainly caused by interference of students ' mother tongues ," subconscious " transfer , lacking the sense of Chinese , insufficient instructions of teachers and confused thinking of the students .


  20. To prevent such a scenario from becoming reality , there is a need to ensure that different ethnic groups maintain their mother tongues at an acceptable level and not allow them to decline further .


  21. For the past decade , students have been required to take courses in their mother tongues . Chinese is mandatory for ethnic Chinese pupils , and they must sit for exams in the subject .


  22. On the basis of the assumption , foreign researchers have designed various kinds of tasks to measure the capacity of WM to study the relationship between WM and reading comprehension in mother tongues ( especially in English ), and great success has been achieved .
